
How long does it take to establish a limited conservatorship?

It ranges from 2-5 months depending on the county. The process begins with an attorney-client meeting and ends with a hearing where a judge issues an Order Appointing Conservator.

Do I have to wait until my child is 18 to file a petition?

No.  You can start the process while your child is 17 so the conservatorship will be in place on his or her 18th birthday.

How do I know if my child qualifies for conservatorship?

There are a variety of disabilities that can qualify your child for conservatorship, including, but not limited to, Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, brain injury, and mild to severe intellectual disability.

Can there be more than one conservator?

Yes.  Many times parents or family members act as co-conservators.

Which Court will handle my case?

The petition is filed in the county where the individual being conserved resides.

Will I be billed by the hour?

In an effort to be upfront and honest about attorneys fees, Alexis usually charges a flat fee for her services.  She will discuss her rates with you once she determines your exact needs.